Considering Color Copiers
Buying a new copier can be a pretty overwhelming task when you consider the number of options there are to choose from. There are over 2,000 copiers on the market and when you add in the fact that there are used copiers which have discontinued that number is probably at least doubled, if not tripled. On top of the confusion due to the number of options there are to choose from, there is the confusion that comes from pushy sales reps who want to push what they think buyers need. A lot of times sales reps will push used copiers onto buyers because they think that they are doing the customer a service by saving them money, but this isn’t always true.
The Xerox Colorqube 8700 is a great example of why buying used is necessarily the most financially efficient option. Since it costs approximately $2400, the Colorqube can be a great option to consider for potential buyers who are looking to save a little money but who also want to be able to get a machine that will do exactly what it is that they need from their copier, without the risks of buying a used machine. On top of this there are often times trade-in rebates that are available through Xerox, for their new copiers.
We offer both used and new copiers for our customers and would love to find you one that will fit the needs of your office in the Spokane area. We would love the opportunity to work with you, so please give us a call at (509) 362-9868.