Keeping a Copier Clean
Copier maintenance is something that we have found to be largely overlooked but it is also crucially important for keeping a well running copier for a long time. A lot of companies just expect the semi regular check ups by the technician to be enough to maintain a well running copier, but that just isn’t true.
It’s not that it’s particularly difficult to keep a copier clean. SImple things like turning the copier off when it isn’t being used for extended amounts of time, and keeping it covered for those same time periods will keep it free of dust. Keeping a cheesecloth over the air intake, will also eliminate dust from getting into the inner workings of the machine. Also, wiping the optic area will keep your copies much nicer and will keep the machine free of dirt and grime. We have also found that if you can keep a silica gel packet in the paper tray this will reduce the amount of moisture that will negatively effect the device.
Simple tricks like this can go a long way in keeping a copier around for a long time that will function in the way that you would expect from it. For any of your copier needs in the Spokane area, please give us a call at (509) 362-9868.